segunda-feira, março 06, 2023

Até um dia Sky

Isto até parece estranho, já era algo que se começava a estar entranhado na minha pele, mas ao final de quase 9 anos estava na hora de sair da Sky e procurar outros desafios e essencialmente algo que me fizesse feliz. Passei os melhores anos da minha carreira a trabalhar na Sky para o projecto Sky Store. Infelizmente à cerca de 1 ano atrás o projecto foi transferido para a Índia e desde aí nunca mais tive o mesmo prazer a trabalhar na Sky. Devo muito à Sky, cresci imenso profissionalmente, conheci pessoas incríveis, mas estava na hora de cada um seguir o seu caminho separados. Aqui fica a última mensagem que deixei para todos os que trabalharam comigo na Sky:

Until another day

Who knew almost 9 years ago that such a small group of people could achieve what they achieved? It has been 9 fantastic years, where I learned a lot, met very interesting people and saw a company born almost from nothing. Today is my last day on Sky, and as expected, it wasn’t an easy decision to make. I am happy to leave some marks on Sky Portugal, such as the cake policy and the contact of the dots, always trying to make people sweeter.

I won’t mention any names, as there were so many people who impacted me in a positive way that I don’t want to run the risk of forgetting anyone. However, I have to mention the group of persons who worked with me at Skystore. Without you, Sky Portugal would never have seen the light of day, the work you did was so fantastic that it proved that the Portuguese are undoubtedly an important asset for Sky. The years I spent with you were the best years of my professional career, where I had the happiest working environment, where it was a pleasure to work with each one of you every day. And for me the most important thing, and what really remains of all these years, is that I can call most of the persons I worked with a friend, and I will take you in my heart. My BIG THANKS to all of you for everything you’ve given and taught me. This isn’t goodbye, it’s a see you soon, as I’m sure our paths will cross again.

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